FreeNAS Tweaks

System Tweaks

FreeNAS is an excellent NAS solution. It’s extremely simple to setup and with those old PC’s we’ve all got in the loft, it runs like a charm without spending shed loads of wonga on expensive hardware. Here is a ZFS tweak I found the other day which has greatly improved my systems performance.

Firstly, make sure you are running the latest nightly build of FreeNAS, that has the latest vesrion of ZFS – version 13.

Secondly, ZFS is a very memory intensive file system, largely due to the caching. The more caching done, the faster the speeds.

To change the cache size, login to the FreeNAS web GUI, Advanced->File Editor and load /cf/boot/loader.conf (if you are using the embedded FreeNAS version). Otherwise, load /boot/loader.conf

Copy and paste the following code and save the file.



This tweak is best for systems with 2GB of RAM. The vm.kmem_size defines the total amount of RAM the kernel can allocate for ZFS. It should be set to about 50%-70% of your total RAM size. The vfs.zfs.arc_max size should be about half of vm.kmem_size.

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